(OPS302.1) Combustor Dynamics Monitoring System

Provide an understanding of combustion theory, problems of dynamics, equipment used to monitor and operator monitoring/actions.


The Combustor Dynamic Monitoring course is designed to provide an understanding of combustion theory, problems of dynamics, equipment used to monitor and operator monitoring/actions.  The training will support the installation, startup, operation and maintenance of the combustor dynamic monitoring system.  The training integrates a combination of classroom instruction, associated system walkdowns, and practical applications.  Operations and maintenance technicians perform functions vital to the safe and efficient operation of a power plant.  In order to fulfill their job responsibilities, they require an understanding of the Siemens Energy Stand Alone or Active (Integrated) Dynamics Monitoring system and its interrelationship with the associated systems of their plant.  The goal of the Combustor Dynamic Monitoring course is to provide this understanding customized to each customer’s specific site.  All training programs are limited to the Siemens Energy scope of supply.


Course Content

The following topics are representative of those covered in the course.  Actual course content will be customized to the specific plant configuration.

-      Introduction

  • Fuel and Air Systems overview

  • Combustor Dynamic Monitoring System overview

  • Combustor Dynamic monitoring

-      Theory of Combustion

  • Fuel to Air Ratio

  • Tuning for NOx

  • Frequency measurement

-      Operator Response

  • Data evaluation

  • Alarms

  • Control System Functions

  • Operator Actions


Intended Audience:  Ops


PLEASE NOTE:  The course length is provided as an estimate only.  Actual course length may vary based on student experience level and participation.


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