(OPS201.4) Gas Turbine Operations Review - W Units

Designed to increase the knowledge base of operations personnel who are ready for more detailed instruction on Gas Turbine theory of operation and practical application.


The Siemens Energy Gas Turbine Operations Review course is developed for the experienced operator. The course is designed to increase the knowledge base of operations personnel who are ready for more detailed instruction on Gas Turbine theory of operation and practical application. The student will review the combustion process in detail and then understand how parameter changes affect the overall efficiency and operation of the turbine. A refresher in the T3000 control system will bring together these concepts and teach the operator to utilize the control system to monitor efficiency, find problems, and assess risk. A combination of classroom training with T3000 walkthroughs is used to maximize training value.

The first step to maximizing operational efficiency is to understand the process in detail and then applying that knowledge. The Siemens Energy Gas Turbine Operations Refresher course trains plant personnel to take that step.

All training programs are limited to the Siemens Energy scope of supply.


Course Content

Some out of class study may be assigned. All required instructional materials are provided to each student. The following topics are representative of those covered in the course. Actual course content will be customized to the specific plant configuration.

-       Air Systems

  • Air inlet flow path
  • Evaporative cooling (if applicable)
  • Inlet heating (if applicable)
  • Bleed Air
  • Turbine cooling
  • Rotor air cooling (if applicable)
  • Changes in airflow effect on combustion process and MW output

-       Fuel Gas System/ Combustion System

  • Reason for fuel gas staging
  • Dry/Ultra low NOx system
  • Combustor basket flow path
  • Flame temperature – how operations changes temperature and GT operations based on flame temperature

-       Flashbacks

  • TC location
  • Plant display indications
  • Importance of monitoring FB TCs
  • Protection

-       Bladepath – spread and variance

  • What is variance and causes
  • What is spread and causes
  • Protection

-       GT Governor

  • Speed control
  • MW control
  • Bladepath or Exhaust Temperature control
  • Trim of fuel control
  • Failures that will affect GT operation in fuel gas system

-       ACDMS

  • Dynamics
  • Operations that effect dynamics
  • How to correct dynamics situations
  • When the control system will automatically correct

-       Startup (fuel system/air systems)

  • Basic startup process of GT

-       Turbine Trips and unloads

-       Spin cooling

  • Procedure
  • Risk of spin cooling

-       Hot restarts

  • Requirements
  • Risk of hot restart

-       Compressor Water Wash – offline and online

  • When to use detergent
  • Why limit of 60-90% normalized load for online water washing
  • Water washing less than 59 °F

-       T3000 hardware

  • All T3000 hardware components
  • Data flow from a Thin Client to field devices and vice versa
  • Common failures and indications of those failures
  • Cascading alarms for failed indicators

-       T3000 practical

  • ASD
  • Notes
  • Finding forced values
  • T3000 help menu
  • Logic reading
  • Trending
  • Flashback TC failure
    • Logic reading
    • Assessing risk
  • Bladepath TC failures
    • Logic reading
    • Assessing risk
  • Exhaust TC failures
    • Logic reading
    • Assessing risk
  • Trending for GT efficiency
  • Reporting

-       Additional Topics as requested by the customer


Intended Audience:  Ops



PLEASE NOTE:  The course length is provided as an estimate only.  Actual course length may vary based on student experience level and participation.



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