(SEM101.1) Plant Manager Overview SCPP

Provide a basic understanding of Siemens Energy equipment, terminology, available documentation, and an introduction to the Siemens Energy control system functionality and capabilities.


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The Siemens Energy Equipment – Plant Management Overview Seminar is designed to provide a basic understanding of Siemens Energy equipment, terminology, available documentation, and an introduction to the Siemens Energy control system functionality and capabilities.  The goal is to provide managers (Plant, Operations, and/or Maintenance) not familiar with Siemens Energy equipment an introduction of terms and general layout of equipment and systems providing a “jump-start” to understand the equipment under their responsibility.


Course Content

The following topics are representative of those covered in the gas turbine, control system and documentation/resources phase of the training program.  Actual course content will be customized to the customer’s needs.

Gas turbine and associated systems phase:

-       Introduction

    • KKS System

    • Gas Turbine overview

    • Operational considerations

      • Pre-Start Selects

      • Turbine Start

      • Purge / Spin Cooling

      • Compressor WaterWash

      • Outlet Temp Control (if applicable)

    • Maintenance Consideration

      • Service Bulletin

      • Preventive Maintenance

Control System phase:

-       Introduction

-       Control Room Operator Station (SPPA-T3000–Thin Client)

    • Level of Access

    • Configuration Mode versus Operation Mode

    • Plant Displays

      • Process diagrams

      • Operation/Indication Windows and Controllers

    • Standard pictographs

    • Standard color definitions

    • Customizing User Interface

    • Trend Displays

    • Configuring Trends for display of appropriate power plant information

    • Tag selection

    • Time Scale adjustment

    • Value Scale adjustment

    • Trend Optimization (display, flooding, etc.)

-       Reports/Logs

    • Accessing Report Functions

    • Creating and defining reports

      • Parameterization

      • Triggers

      • Output

      • Info

    • Saving

      • Report definition

      • Report data

-       Introduction to Function Diagrams

    • Reading Software (Logic) diagrams

      • Accessing Function Plans from various sources.

      • Logic symbol interpretation.

    • Troubleshooting

      • Dynamic Signal Tracing

      • Point Information

      • Forcing Ports (Signals)

    • Display Organization

    • Display Selection & Navigation

    • Switching devices ON / OFF

    • Changing operating modes MAN / AUTO

    • Changing setpoints and position variables

-       Alarm Sequence Display (ASD)

    • Function and Operation

    • Alarm Priorities

    • Alarm Suppression

    • Alarm Acknowledgement

    • Analyze Mode

-       Power Plant Control Operations

    • Forced Port / Suppressed Alarm Search

    • Operational Considerations 

Documentation / Resources phase:

-       Introduction

    • Instruction Books / Product Manuals

    • P&IDs

    • Service Bulletins

    • Technical Advisory / Product Bulletin

    • Power Generation Service Customer Portal (formerly CEP)


PLEASE NOTE:  The course length is provided as an estimate only.  Actual course length may vary based on student experience level and participation.


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