(OPS311.1) Intermediate Simulator - SPPA-T3000

Designed to raise the level of knowledge of a Control Room Operator in the areas of basic operation of SPPA-T3000™, reading and understanding control logic diagrams, and the basics of troubleshooting techniques available in the Control System as it functions to control a power plant.


The Intermediate Power Plant Control Room Simulator course is designed to raise the level of knowledge of a Control Room Operator in the areas of basic operation of SPPA-T3000™, reading and understanding control logic diagrams, and the basics of troubleshooting techniques available in the Control System as it functions to control a power plant.


A unique feature of this course is flexibility. Our instructors will fill in knowledge gaps of basic SPPA-T3000™ operations, provide intensive logic reading exercises, and finish the course with simple real-world failures in which the operators must react operationally and then troubleshoot through logic. As the week progresses, the course is adapted to each operator’s needs, maximizing overall training value for the week.


Course Content

All required instructional materials are provided to each student. The simulator Lab is guided by an instructor with the knowledge and abilities to adjust the course as needed to challenge the students. The following are examples of topics and exercises utilized to meet the course objectives.

-     Process Displays (Trends)

  • Configuring Trends for display of appropriate power plant information
  • Tag (Point) selection
  • Time Scale adjustment
  • Value Scale adjustment
  • Trend Optimization (display, flooding, etc.)
  • Forcing Ports (signals)/ Restoring Signals

-     Alarm Sequence Display (ASD)

  • Function and Operation
  • Alarm Priorities
  • Alarm Acknowledgement
  • Suppressing / Un-Suppressing Alarms (Display and Archive)
  • Filtering of Alarms

-     Power Plant Control Operations

  • Forced Ports / Suppressed Alarms Search
  • Reporting
  • Operational Considerations 

-     Reading and following SPPA-T3000 Logic

  • Define Function Group Concept
  • Logic Diagram Layout
  • Input and Output Signals
  • Following signals
  • Page and Signal Numbering
  • Diagram Navigation 

-     Review Basic Logic – Gate recognition and signal tracing for:

  • Binary Vs. Analog Signals
  • Timers
  • Pulse Generators
  • Flip Flops
  • Delays
  • High/Low Monitors 

-     Function Blocks – Inputs, outputs, operations parameter setting and control scheme for blocks such as:

  • Sub Loop Controllers
  • Drive Controllers
  • Sub Group Controller
  • Binary changeover switch
  • Analog changeover switch
  • Binary changeover switch
  • Analog changeover switch
  • Analog Signal Monitoring
  • First order time delay
  • Analog 2V3 Selectors
  • Polygon (function generators)
  • Setpoint Adjuster

 -     Troubleshooting – Use of Logic Diagrams for troubleshooting failed operations such as:

  • Inoperable Pumps (Permissives)
  • Ready To Starts conditions
  • Block OM
  • Inability to complete steps within a subgroup program
  • Standby component activated
  • Failed components
  • Failed circuitry

 -    Equipment failure exercises

-     Abnormal condition response exercises

-     Creating and interpreting Trends exercises

-     Creating and interpreting Reports exercises

-     Alarms & responses


Intended Audience:  Ops



PLEASE NOTE:  The course length is provided as an estimate only.  Actual course length may vary based on student experience level and participation.



Register Interest for this Course: Click Here

META Description




Function Block




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